

Our number one priority is your health and safety, as well as the health and safety of our staff and community. As such, in light of COVID-19 (coronavirus) and Governor Whitmer’s stay-at-home order, we have moved the majority of our services online.

If you’re a student or recent alumni and have any questions that are not addressed here, please email us at careercenter@umich.edu.

We’re open (virtually) and have coaches, tools, and resources to assist you. Let’s connect today!

Schedule an Appointment

The following information is in response to students' questions that have been submitted.

the word 'dynamic' is drawn next to a wave of colorful squiggly lines


We are hearing from employers everyday. Employer responses vary by industry, location, job function, and more. Some events and positions have been canceled but most are just being modified to address current challenges. There are still many opportunities available.Connect with a Career Coach to understand how to navigate this market.

  • Appointments with a Career Coaching: Check in with a Career Coach via phone or Google Hangout to strategize or re-strategize your job or internship search, to explore graduate/professional school options, to explore careers, and to get your individual questions answered. Schedule your appointment today through Handshake.
  • Ask your Coach: We're excited to announce our new series "Ask Your Coach" roundtable with your very own coach from University Career Center. Each session is 30 minutes and we are invested in answering all of your questions. A lot is changing, and we know you've got questions about the future.  To find dates and topics, visit Handshake and search Ask your Coach under events *.
  • Programs and Labs: Stay on top of your planning and preparation with these 旋风加速器ios|qq旋风官方正式版下载_234游戏网:2021-4-3 · qq旋风下载 版本号:v4.8.773 【qq旋风软件简介】 QQ旋风是腾讯公司08年底推出的新一伋互联网下载工具,下载速度更快,占用内存更少,界面更清爽简单。QQ旋风2创新性的改变下载模式,将浏览资源和下载资源融为整体,让下载更简单,更纯粹,更小巧。such as resume writing, internship & job search, maximizing your Handshake profile, and more. New topics, in response to your questions, are added weekly.
  • 旋风加速器xf5app Looking for resume tips and feedback, links to key resources, tips on interviewing, exploring careers, applying to graduate/professional school, and a lot more? Visit our website at za8n1x.wcbzw.com

* You can also filter Handshake events using the 'summer2023' label if you want to quickly identify Ask your Coach sessions or Programs and Labs.



Check in with professionals in fields of interest and get your questions answered.

  • University Career Alumni Network (UCAN ): Michigan’s vast alumni connection platform is always a great resource for students. Gain valuable insights about how COVID-19 is impacting an industry of interest and where to find opportunities. You can also learn about career preparation and job/internship search tips, about a job’s day-to-day responsibilities, and tips on applying to professional schools.  Stay on track with some great advice and input from a fellow Wolverine using UCAN.
  • 旋风加速器app官网 Expand your outreach and connect with other professionals in the industries and jobs of interest to you. 
Cartoon image that reads "Being a good communicator is your killer app".


  • Job and Internship postings for U-M students in Handshake: Visit Handshake for more than 130 new postings each day, on top of the thousands of positions already listed. Additionally, Handshake has added a new feature that is updated routinely: 500 in-demand employers that are actively hiring on Handshake right now.
  • Employer Programs and Information Sessions: Employers continue to be interested in engaging with U-M students about current and future opportunities. For more information on these virtual sessions, see Handshake and check the "Events" section. You can search by employer name or keyword there.
  • Micro-internships and other career-related experiences: Many employers offer short term, virtual, paid, professional experiences to get projects completed and to test potential applicants for permanent positions.  For students, these practical experiences are great for skill building, testing out your interests, making some money, and getting a foot in the door. For access to paid micro-internships, check out: Parker Dewey, MindSumo (click I’m a problemsolver), and InsideSherpa.
  • 旋风ios A number of resources highlight organizations that are currently hiring.  Here are a couple of examples of where you can find more ideas: 旋风ios, The Muse.
Cartoon image that reads "You're "unique" is what actually gets you hired"


Many of you are grappling with decisions over whether to uncover grades for certain classes, while others are trying to develop contingency plans if your test administration got cancelled, your internship offer was withdrawn, or your shadowing opportunities evaporated.  Fortunately, although it is hard to make sweeping generalizations across disciplines and professions, most graduate and professional schools are being flexible and open minded in these unprecedented times. And we can help!

  • Schedule a phone or virtual appointment with a career coach to discuss your specific circumstances
  • Depending on your interests, join the UCC Health or Law Track from your Handshake account for relevant updates and opportunities.
  • If you are gearing up to apply to medical school, subscribe to the Med App 20-21 canvas site for ongoing group coaching.
  • For the most current test administration/cancellation information see:
    • 旋风加速器.apk (LSAC)
    • MCAT (AAMC)
    • DAT & OAT (Prometric)
    • GRE, TOEFL... (ETS)
    • GMAT (GMAC)
    • Various professional certifications and exams (Pearson VUE)
  • For ideas on how to stay involved during these unprecedented times:
    • See NAAHP Pre-Health Opportunities During the Pandemic--Ideas Summary
    • Read this article:  The Best Volunteer Opportunities for Pre-meds During Coronavirus (Without Leaving Home) 
    • Periodically check Ginsberg's Connect2Community portal for local and remote volunteer opportunities
  • For financial information:
    • 果备伇下载 - 果备伇 IOS数据备伇软件 官方版 ...:今天 · 果备伇 IOS数据备伇软件 官方版iPhone TBProAudio Bundle TB音频插件 2021.6.3 破解版音频处理 Aiseesoft AVCHD Video Converter AVCHD视频转换器 9.2.26 破解版视频转换 Aiseesoft MTS Converter MTS视频转换器 9.2.30 破解版视频转换 UEStudio 文本编辑器 官方版文字处理 云帮手 服务器运维管理工具 官方版 ...
    • Federal Student Aid:  Coronavirus and Forbearance Info for Students, Borrowers, and Parents
  • For updates:
    • Across the Health Professions
    • From the Law School Admissions Council
    • From the Graduate Management Admission Council
Cartoon image that reads "Embrace change and do it quickly".


  • Sharpen materials:
    • Use VMock and Targeted Resume for instant feedback.
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      • Together, these two resources give you a way to increase the odds of your resume landing in the hands of the person responsible for hiring and interview decisions. Hint: This is also a great topic for an appointment with a career coach.
    • Handshake profiles matter. Make yours work for you.  
      • Do you want recruiters to see your profile on Handshake and reach out to you directly? Enhance your profile with the 3 must-haves for recruiters. This will significantly increase recruiter interest.
      • And don't forget your LinkedIn profile too. In these days of virtual engagement, your online profiles are more important than ever. Here are a couple of great resources for tips on making your profile pop. LinkedIn and LearnLearnRetire.
  • Prepare to ace a virtual interview (e.g., phone, Google Hangout, Zoom, and more): While many of the same best practices apply to both in-person and virtual interviews, there are some unique considerations as well. Check out these resources with timely tips from the pros. Hint: This is also a great topic for an appointment with a career coach.
    • Live Career
    • The Balance
    • 旋风专业版ios
    • Hire Vue
  • Build skills: Sharpen the skills that will be important in any future position or learn something totally new. Checkout free websites or apps: LinkedIn Learning, Kahn Academy, 旋风加速器官网下载, Coursera, DuoLingo, Vault, and more. Some possible skills include:
    • SPSS, SAS, Tableau and other data analysis tools
    • Excel
    • Google AdWords 
    • Learn a foreign language
    • Learn a programming language
  • Successfully Work Remotely: a lot of people are suddenly finding themselves working from home for the first time. Technology makes this possible and here are some helpful ways to prepare:
    • Work and COVID-19 (series of articles from The Muse)
    • 果备伇下载 - 果备伇 IOS数据备伇软件 官方版 ...:今天 · 果备伇 IOS数据备伇软件 官方版iPhone TBProAudio Bundle TB音频插件 2021.6.3 破解版音频处理 Aiseesoft AVCHD Video Converter AVCHD视频转换器 9.2.26 破解版视频转换 Aiseesoft MTS Converter MTS视频转换器 9.2.30 破解版视频转换 UEStudio 文本编辑器 官方版文字处理 云帮手 服务器运维管理工具 官方版 ...
    • 17 Tech Tips and Tricks to Make Working From Home More Productive (and Fun)
  • Gain Experience: This could be a time to try new things or to get involved in your community. These are an excellent way to meet new people, build skills, and expand your interests.
    • Create a website 
    • Launch a blog
    • Create and share a video
    • Volunteer in the community and offer your services to a community organization

We’re all likely experiencing some emotional discomfort given COVID-19 and the disruption to our lives. If you're experiencing feelings of anxiety, worry, and/or fear during these uncertain times and are concerned about how to best manage your mental health we encourage you to reach out to CAPS. 

CAPS remains open during the Pandemic. Their services include tele-counseling, crisis support, and virtual outreach.

For updated clinical services info: http://caps.umich.edu/article/caps-services-regarding-covid-19-update
For COVID-19 Mental Health info: http://caps.umich.edu/topic/caps-covid-19-support


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*External events and activities are not programs and activities of the University and are included only because they may be of interest to members of the University community. Inclusion of any activity does not indicate University sponsorship or endorsement of that activity or event.


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